Copy Files From Task

Christian Kongsgaard

Copy Files From Task
Copy Files From Task

On Compute the files within each parent task are isolated. For everyday use that great, since it separates the files and no files are mixed between the tasks.

There is however sometimes where you want to copy files from a previous task and use in your new task.

Web UI

In the Web UI you can only copy files when you create a new parent task. When clicking on Add a Task above the Task List a pop-up will appear, where you can write the new parent task name. Underneath you will see two fields: Copy from Task and Files to copy.

Copy from Task is a dropdown where you can select another parent task.

Files to copy is the file or folder you want to copy. If you leave it blank all files from the select task will be copied. If you fx. want to copy the foam folder and all its content from a CFD task, you can write /foam.

Grasshopper Plugin

To do it from Grasshopper you can apply the following override to the Project and Task component

  "copy_from": {
    "task": "taskId",
    "files": ["fileName1", "fileName2"]

Where the taskId is the id of the task you want to copy from. You can find the task id up the top part of the task page.

Task ID
Task ID

files is a list of files or folders you want to copy. Fx. if you want to copy the foam folder and all its content from a CFD task, you can write "files": ["/foam"].

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