Getting Started

Christian Kongsgaard

Create an Account

The first thing you need to get started with using Compute is a user account. It is free to create and have an account on Compute.


To register as a new user go to our register page

Fill in the form and click submit.

You will shortly afterwards receive an email with a registration link. Follow that link to active your user account.

Create or join a Company

When logging first time you will see an almost empty dashboard. You should either see an invitation to join an existing company or the option to create a new one.

In Compute we organize everybody in a company. The companies can correspond to real world companies but doesn't have to. Members of the same company share projects and tasks and are in that way able to collaborate and see what each member is doing. Companies also holds the Compute credits, which is shared between members.

Accept Company Invite

To see more about Companies click here

Try a Demo

The best way to get started is to try out one of our demos.

We recommend that you start with the Simple Virtual Wind Tunnel.

Are you ready to start you journey with Compute?

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