Archived Tasks

Christian Kongsgaard

Tasks older than a week are archived to save space on online storage. Some cases produce rather larger files, it is therefore necessary to archive (.zip) the files. Archiving is simply zipping all the files related to a task.

Each parent task within a project will have their files zipped separately.

Archived Task Popup
Archived Task Popup

Archived tasks can be identified with the Archive Icon () in the task list. When clicking on a archived task a pop-up will appear. Clicking the Unarchive Task will create an additional task that restore the parent task to its previous state.

Access Archived Files

You can still access your files. Simply go to the Files tab, and you will find the file, which can be downloaded just as another file. contains all the files from the task.

You can still access and download your archived data
You can still access and download your archived data

Note that the archiving and unarchiving tasks are run as a subtask and is therefore ran at your expense.

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